In this blog we are going to tell you about What Is Broward SSO?, so read this blog carefully to get the complete information.
Broward SSO is your one-stop access to most of the internet programmes you need to complete your educational goals. You will have access to many of your website applications without having to sign in again after signing into Broward SSO. It is Broward’s one-stop shop for the majority of the website applications that students use. This presently includes Destiny, Discovery Education, Atomic Learning, Office 365, and other services. Our district’s online databases, such as Britannica School, Tumblebooks, and SIRS Discoverer, will be included shortly.
The new self-service password reset option on the Broward SSO Launchpad also allows you to manage your own password from anywhere.
There will be a one-time registration requirement to begin utilising Broward SSO. To access the Sign In page, go to and click the Register Now/Login option. Students check in using their login credentials to register their account. Enter your login information and proceed as directed. Students should use the login and password shown below:
Student Ten Digit 06 Number As A Username (Example: 0601234567)
The username and password are a one-time registration for people who have not yet signed up for the SSO functionality. Broward SSO is a system that ensures a user only has to log in once, but that they may also utilise an other authentication mechanism. This option necessitates that the user answer a series of security questions. If the user does not know the answers to these questions, he will be prompted to do so. In most cases, a student can save the page and then attempt to confirm their identity later.
To sign in to Broward SSO, users must submit a username and password. Student accounts are distinct in that they require a username and password to get access to the system. To log in, students must use their student or worker id. A parent, teacher, or another authorised user will need a student or worker id to sign in. Users can use the Student Account Recovery option if they have forgotten their password. To reset their passwords, users must first go to the Broward SSO login’s official website.
Password: Windows (Active Directory) or Office 365 password (for example, PMM/DD/YYYY).
SSO, or single sign-on, is a cloud-based identity management solution. It enables students and faculty to login in once and access the majority of Broward apps. Broward just formed a partnership with Clever SSO to use this technology. A Clever Badge login and a browser plugin are required for the procedure. Continue reading to understand more about the advantages of SSO.
To begin, go to the Broward SSO login and password launch pad. This website includes a secure login form that requires your personnel or student number. If you forget your password, you can regain your account by following the steps on the page. You’ll need to reset your password after you’ve retrieved your login credentials. For BCPS students, contact their instructor or the technology liaison officer. BCPS employees will use their Staff ID.
Final Words
Following the initial login, students must enter alternate authentication (also known as strong authentication) information. Alternate authentication is a means of validating the identification of a user. Follow the prompts to select three security questions from the drop-down boxes and type in the appropriate answer for each. When you’re finished, click Save. Spend some time at Broward’s new SSO Launchpad!
We Hope this blog is sufficient enough to provide the information about What Is Broward SSO?. Thanks for reading this blog.